1958 Photos
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1958-8: Bill Miller. Seberhagen, Unk, Unk.
1958-9: Unk, Unk, Unk, Dick Dennison.
1958-22: Dick Bartholomew, Unk, Unk.
1958-24: Unk, Bill Miller, Unk, Sweeney, Unk, Unk.
1958-25: Unk, Bill Miller.
1958-26: Dick Bartholomew, Unk, Unk, etc.
1958-28: Unk, Bill Miller (back).
1958-29: Dick Bartholomew, Bernie Campbell, Unk.
1958-31: Dick Bartholomew.
1958-33: Dick Bartholomew.
1958-34: Lance Seberhagen, Unk, Sweeney, Dick Dennison.
1958-36: Lance Seberhagen, Bernie Campbell, Bill Miller (2nd canoe).
1958-37: Bernie Campbell, Lance Seberhagen, Bill Miller, Unk, Unk.
1958-38: Warren Brown (?).
1958-4: Larry Ransom
1958-15: Larry Ransom (2nd from left)
1958-17: Heinrik Weischoff
1958-23: Fritz Hackenberg, Mike Ransom
1958-32: Larry Ransom
1958-35: Mike Ransom (front), Dave Brown (back)