1957 Photos
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1957-1: Dick Bartholomew, Eric Wieschhoff (his father died with Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961 UN plane crash).
1957-2: Unk, Unk, Eric Wieschoff, Unk, Unk, Dick Bartholomew (back w/paddle), Unk, Unk, Phil Ostrom.
1957-4: Unk, Dick Bartholomew, Seberhagen.
1957-5: Kelly, Bill O’Brien, Seberhagen, Lyman McWain, Phil Ostrom, Eric Wieschoff.
1957-6: Lyman McWain.
1957-7: Haynes Kelly, Lance Seberhagen, Lyman McWain, Phil Ostrom.
1957-9: Kelly, Seberhagen, Lyman McWain, Phil Ostrom.
1957-10: Lyman McWain, Seberhagen, Kelly, Phil Ostrom.
1957-11: Kelly, Seberhagen, Bill Huneke.
1957-12: Huneke, Unk, Lyman McWain, Unk, Phil Ostrom, Dick Dennison, Unk, Bill O’Brien (standing).
1957-13: Lyman McWain.
1957-21: Kelly, Strife, Phil Ostrom.
1957-22: Dick Bartholomew, Unk, Bernie Campbell (?, in truck), Dick Dennison (?).
1957-25: Unk, Dick Bartholomew (back).
1957-29: Dennison, Adams, Unk, Unk, Fred Strife (?), Bill Hunecke (?).
1957-33: Dick Bartholomew, Bernie Campbell (?).
1957-34: Johnny Edgar (Jack Edgar’s son).
1957-36: Bill Hunecke, Dennison, Sweeney, Seberhagen, Lyman McWain, Adams.
1957-37: Bill Hunecke, Dennison, Seberhagen.
1957-38: Phil Ostrom, Bill O’BRIEN, Unk.